
Ricky Kuruvilla '21

How Rice Business has shaped Ricky Kuruvilla ’21, a Professional MBA student.

I plan to bring everything I’ve soaked up from the Rice Business MBA program to truly make a difference at my workplace, in my relationships, and in my local community. My goal is to take on more leadership roles and bring a unique perspective to the teams I will eventually lead.

Ricky Kuruvilla ’21

Professional MBA

Mentorship has played a huge role in Ricky Kuruvilla’s life — both as a recipient and a provider. After graduating from the Business Honors Program at the University of Texas, he earned a prestigious spot in Chevron’s fast-track program for promising young leaders. He’s been working his way up at the company for nearly a decade, from an entry-level finance position to decision support analyst. Along the way, he’s gotten guidance from great mentors — and they all urged him to get his MBA.

He’s already a mentor himself, both at Chevron and in the youth group at his church. And he has been a leader in Habitat for Humanity ever since high school. Being part of the Rice Business community has helped him further hone his leadership skills, in part by emphasizing teamwork. “One of my favorite aspects of business school,” he said, “is being able to soak up unique perspectives and ideas from my amazing classmates, who all come from very different careers and personal backgrounds.”

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