Five Minute Rice

Starting the Conversation

Rice Business recently partnered with The Conversation — a nonprofit news organization that brings academic insights to a general audience — to spread the word about our groundbreaking faculty research.

Some facts about The Conversation:

The Conversation
The Conversation
The Conversation
The Conversation
The Conversation
The Conversation

Our first piece published in The Conversation, “What is the ‘social cost of carbon’?” co-writen by Rice Business lecturer and Baker fellow Jim Krane with Baker fellow Mark Finley, was republished by 38 news outlets —including Fast Company, the Houston Chronicle and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer — and read by more than 9,500 people. The story ran in print in the Tampa Bay Times and the authors were interviewed on public radio.

In March, Rice Business Professor Yan “Anthea” Zhang published a piece about the conflict in Ukraine, “Shell, BP and ExxonMobil have done business in Russia for decades — here’s why they’re leaving now,” which was republished in 31 outlets with more than 23,000 reads. Zhang was interviewed about the piece for an article in The Independent. Professor Doug Schuler collaborated with University of Mannheim Professor Laura Marie Edinger-Schons to write “Why Apple, Disney, IKEA and hundreds of other Western companies are abandoning Russia with barely a shrug,” which was republished in 43 outlets with more than 29,000 reads. Schuler was interviewed by the Financial Times and appeared on Toronto public radio and a South American TV news program.

Rice Business in The Conversation