
Our Contributors

What’s the one place in the world you have never seen, but would like to visit?


Scott Pett

My in-laws are from Guatemala, which means my two kids are from there as well. So, Lake Atitlan, the deepest lake in Central America, is at the top of my wish list. It’s like Lake Como but surrounded by volcanoes. Seeing a sunrise there would be a dream.
Learn more about Scott


Rick Reinhard ’82

The Holy Land holds the most fascination for me —where the Christian, Jewish and Muslim religions all come together — though at the moment, returning to tubing down the Trinity River in New Braunfels provides some serious allure.
Learn more about Rick


Deborah Lynn Blumberg

I’d like to visit the towns in the French countryside that I discovered my great-grandfather Gertz was stationed in after I read the more than 100-year-old love letters he sent my great-grandmother during World War I.
Learn more about Deborah

Peter Rodriguez

Executive Director
Marketing and Communication

Kathleen Harrington Clark

Maureen Harmon

Weezie Mackey
Scott Pett

Design Director
Bill Carson Design

Kateri Benoit
Chelsea Clark ’23
Tricia Delone
Dawn Kinsey
Annie McDonald
Wafa Mohamed ’24
Michael Okullu
Kevin Palmer
Ananya Zachariah

Contributing Writers
Deborah Lynn Blumberg
Larry Clow
Maureen Harmon
Weezie Mackey
Scott Pett
Rick Reinhard ’82

Jenny West Rozelle

Contributing Photographers
Bill Carson
Jeff Fitlow
An Le
Annie McDonald
Mike Morgan

Contributing Illustrator
John W. Tomac

RRD Houston

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