Elliott Bouillion, Jr.

Home country: United States
Home state: Texas
Undergraduate institution: Southern Methodist University
Undergraduate degree and major (and minor, if applicable): BBA in finance, BA in economics
Pre-MBA industry: Finance - commercial banking
Pre-MBA company: Texas Capital Bank
Pre-MBA title: Vice President, Middle Market Banking
Desired industry post-MBA: Private equity
Desired job function post-MBA: Private equity
Degree specializations: Finance
Student organization membership: Beer Club, Finance Association, Private Equity & Venture Capital Association, Other
Other committee: Venture Capital Investment Competition (VCIC) - Rice Team 2024
Officer: President of the Private Equity & Venture Capital Association and Investment Banking Recruiting Chair for Finance Association
What has been the most surprising part of your Rice MBA?
Connecting with alumni all across America and having the opportunity to go on engaging treks, such as the Week on Wall Street and Seattle Trek.
What has been your favorite thing about your MBA experience?
Having the opportunity to connect with the most diverse student body in terms of background, industries covered, and global experiences.
What do you love most about Houston?
The food! The dining scene is a melting pot of America, and you can find any cuisine you are looking for.
What is one piece of advice you would share with a prospective student?
Network, network, network – get out there and pound the pavement!