Nico Motta
Business Major '25
Concentration in Management
Minor in Data Science

Home country: United States
Home state: Princeton, NJ
Residential College: Baker
Student Involvement: President, Rice Consulting; Consulting Head, Rice Business Society; Lead Ambassador, Doerr Institute for New Leaders
Previous Internships: Rice Alliance for Technology & Entrepreneurship, First Manhattan, Bain & Company
What has been the most surprising part of your Rice Business experience?
The genuine community spirit here. In most business schools you expect things to be cutthroat, but the Culture of Care extends to Rice Business, and I think it’s a big part of why you see so many students supporting each other in new clubs or business ventures.
What has been your favorite thing about your Rice Business experience?
The level of student involvement and leadership. As an underclassman, they taught me so much about how to be successful in clubs, classes, and my career, and now I enjoy finding my own ways to give back and grow the community.
What do you love most about Houston?
Houston is well known for its food scene, and it doesn’t disappoint.
What is one piece of advice you would share with a prospective student?
Come with an open mind freshman fall to try everything, then find the couple things you’re passionate about and invest yourself in becoming a leader there.