Sam Herrera

Home country: United States
Home state: Texas
Undergraduate institution: Rice University
Undergraduate degree and major (and minor, if applicable): Civil engineering
Pre-MBA industry: Commercial real estate
Pre-MBA company: 3650 REIT
Pre-MBA title: Senior associate
Desired industry post-MBA: Energy
Desired job function post-MBA: MBA rotational program - finance/commercial
Degree specializations: Energy, finance
Student organization membership: Energy Association, Latin Business Student Association, Other
Other committee: Rice Business Student Association
Officer: RBSA first-year representative; academic chair
What has been the most surprising part of your Rice MBA? The component of the Rice experience that I expected the least has been the contribution of the academic rigor of the Rice FTMBA to the expansion of my knowledge. I am familiar with graduate-level academic work, but the FTMBA course load pushed me to rapidly prioritize my studies and focus on learning. I believe that a strength of this program is the focus on academics to expand every student’s skill set in order to succeed in recruiting and become proficient in business management. The first year has been extremely rigorous so far in terms of course load, but I am glad to say that I have absorbed so much new knowledge in various subject areas that have already molded me into a better professional.
What has been your favorite thing about your MBA experience? As a Rice undergraduate alumnus now pursuing my MBA, I love being back on campus. I have very fond memories of my four years of undergrad, which taught me the power of Rice as an institution of learning to advance as both a professional and an individual. In this new chapter of my academic formation, it has been so nice to come back to a familiar environment in the city that I call my home in order to add a new formative period of my career at an institution that I call my home.
What do you love most about Houston? Houston is truly a microcosm of America - dynamic, diverse, and a destination with a great quality of life for everyone who wishes to call this city their home. Despite having been born in another country, I am proud to call Houston my home, and with each successive time living here, I am so proud and excited to see the progress and growth present here - this is one of America’s current boomtowns, made possible by people of all origins and walks of life. The city of Houston is the perfect backdrop for an institution like Rice, which prides itself on the power of diversity to promote learning and personal development for students from both here and beyond.
What is one piece of advice you would share with a prospective student? Be ready to be challenged - the MBA has several trying moments that will press you, but you, guided by your peers and professors, will excel through them and become a robust professional and more well-rounded individual.